Published: Dec 28, 2022
Updated: Apr 26, 2024
Check out Anime Art Academy’s brand new taster course below!
It’s time to learn how to draw anime and manga! Learn how to draw via easily-accessible online videos and get personalized advice from pros in Japan.
MyAnimeList Only! Get 10% off right now.
Coupon code: MAL10
※This offer may end without notice.
Anime Art Academy is an online art school providing manga drawing lessons created by real professional Japanese animators, illustrators, and manga-ka.
Their flexible online video style means that wherever you are in the world, and whatever your schedule, you can take the courses and get personalized advice from the pros!
Anime Art Academy is the only online service offering full English-language video lectures and personalized advice from Japanese professionals!
Get started and learn how to draw anime and manga today!
Free lectures available on every course
See if the classes are right for you before making any commitments!
A Discord community to support you
Join the Discord server, share your progress with other budding artists and make new friends!
Saving you money
Attending an anime art school would usually cost upwards of $10,000 per year, but Anime Art Academy’s online style means they can keep their fees low.
The course starts out covering basic techniques such as:
and more!
$47/ month
If you want the freedom to study at your own pace or jump ahead to higher level lessons, try bulk lesson packs!
(Includes lifetime advice and feedback from pros)
Anime Art Academy is absolutely the best way to learn about drawing in Anime/Manga style.
I have tried many other ways to learn this, such as Youtube channels, Udemy, and art books, which are definitely good resources, but nothing can compare to the speed of the progress I've made when I joined Anime Art Academy.
The instructors are absolutely top notch.
Everytime you post in the comments section, you get feedback that is actually useful and applicable.
Not to mention, I also felt like they cared about my progress as an artist.
Submission after submission, they would notice the little ways that I have improved every time.
I started from absolute 0 on learning anime and manga, but now I am able to confidently produce authentic anime illustrations after only 3 months.
When you join Anime Art Academy, you don't just sign up for online classes, you become part of a real community which supports each other, and provides you with more than enough to help you reach your goals.
Mario K Aleman
Anime art academy has helped me improve so much in a year!
It has helped me learn the fundamentals, and understand why certain things are the way it is.
This is all thanks to the teachers and staff who help me in every way possible by giving me advice, and correcting any mistakes I might have made.
Looking back now, I can see that some advice that people give out on the internet, like TikTok, do not do a great job explaining what they’re doing in depth.
This is why I highly recommend taking anime art academy!
Also, we have a great community in discord who help each other out on our journey.
Riku Dola
Wow I am very surprised that the course actually is teaching important stuff, usually anime and manga tutorials or courses or even books just suck at teaching for beginners especially when it's in English, but this course actually has value and is teaching things beginners should know.
This first lesson did a very good job at teaching the students to understand 3D and learn proportions, anatomy and technique (ghosting, drawing with shoulder, drawing arcs/curves) that will be very useful, while providing a very fun method to practice it.
The method is not the most efficient but people will do it more just because it would be fun and you will improve multiple skills at the same time.
So far I'm really enjoying this and it is obvious the instructor knows what he is talking about.
A new show titled “Conbiz! – The Content x Business Information Station” has begun!
Thank you to everyone who participated in MAL Yearbook 2024.
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